June 28, 2017

A little Stop Motion fun with DIY Cotton Pads :)

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on a bunch of cotton pads and for whatever reason I felt like creating a short Stop Motion video along the way :)

Here we go...

As soon as I finished all the cotton pads I planned to crochet (which will take a little while, I am hooking just 3 to 4 per day) I'll share the final results!

Thanks for stopping!


June 21, 2017

DIY Photo Corners

Hello lovelies,

a little while ago, when working on a small DIY favour for a pen pal I realized I ran out of photo corners but the project I was working on definitely required some. It was a Sunday and as shops are closed on Sundays in good ol' Germany taking the tram downtown and buying some at the local Idee shop was out of question. So I decided to craft some. And truth to be told, photo corners are darn simple to make!

Check out the video below for instructions:

Thanks for stopping by and happy crafting!


June 14, 2017

Planner Spreads May & June 2017

Hi beautiful people,

here's a short show and tell of my planner spreads for May and June. This time I'm not sharing the actual process of creating the spreads, I'm just sharing the finished spreads.

I am currently thinking about moving into another planner or journal. Traveler's notebooks for example have caught my attention lately. But I haven't decided yet whether or not...
Are you still using the same 2017 journal or have you switched to another one yet? Or maybe you abandoned planning altogether? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for stopping by!


June 7, 2017

Uta's Ireland Travel Diary

Hello friends,

those of you who follow me over at YouTube already know that I've been absent for a little while as I've been travelling through Ireland for a couple of days. I just recently posted a few videos surrounding my travel experience and would like to share them with you here today. Enjoy!

Thanks for watching and see you soon :)
