May 30, 2018

The June inserts are up!

Hi everyone,

sorry for not posting at the moment, life is keeping me quite busy :)

Anyways, I'm just quickly poppin' in to let you know that the June Filofax inserts are up! Check out the Planner Inserts page as usual to download your copy.

Happy Planning!


May 9, 2018

My favorite crafting tools

Hello everyone,

today I'd like to talk about my most favorite crafting tools. There are a couple I use almost all the time and can't live without anymore :)

Cutting Board
About a year or so ago I bought a cheap cutting board from one of the local discounters. Don't wanna miss it anymore. It makes crafting with paper so much easier and faster. And it also comes in handy when you're creating your own planner inserts like I do.

Adjustable Hole Punch
I learned to love my adjustable hole punch the day I started to create and print inserts for my Filofax planner. It cost me about 11€ if I remember correctly and I thought it quite pricey at first but over the last couple of months I figured it's worth the price.

Japanese Screw Punch
I tried several multi punch tools and failed using them before I came across a Japanese screw punch while watching a Martha Stewart video on YouTube. I am not exaggerating when I say this changed my crafting game a lot. But to be honest, the first screw punch I bought, it was a pretty cheap one, was garbage at best. The second, which cost a bit more, was way better and is still in use.

Precision Craft Tool
This set includes six different cutter blades, one embosser and one awl. I bought it ages ago at Tchibo. Again, one of those tools that absolutely comes in handy when crafting with paper.

Whenever I make an envelope, a notebook or other creations of such sort, my triangle is my best friend. This is a habit that probably built from my mum's influence and I definitely can't blame her for that :)

What are your favorite crafting tools? Anything you can recommend?

Thanks for stopping by :)
