April 4, 2013

How To Print On Paper Scraps

For my last No Buy Challange project I had to print something on paper scraps and I wanted you to know how easy that is...

Step 1: Take a sheet of scratch paper, put it into your printer and print out what you want to print on the paper scraps.

Step 2: Take the paper scraps and tape them right above the different shapes.

Step 3: Put the sheet of paper on which you just taped the paper scraps back into the printer.

Step 4: Now all you have to do is to remove the paper scraps from the sheet of scratch paper, cut them into the desired shapes and you're done!

Easy, right :)

Happy Crafting!



  1. Great idea Uta - I'll have to remember to use that! Thank you

  2. Huhu, Kristin hat mich hierher geschickt, nachdem ich mich gefragt habe, wie ich auf alte Buchseiten drucke. Prima Tipp. :)

    1. Na das freut mich aber, dass ich weiterhelfen konnte


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