April 24, 2014

Leaf Coasters

After a short Easter break I'm finally back with a new blog post :) I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and ate as much Easter candy as I did ;)

Every now and then my friend Kristin sends me pins over at pinterest. Those pins actually inspire me a lot, especially when it comes to making presents for her :) A couple of weeks ago, this pin came my way:

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the pattern. So I did what I always do in such a situation, I improvised and came up with a new pattern! And that's the result:

The yarn I used is called myboshi origianl no.2, a 85% cotton 15% kapok blend, colors 225, 273, 274 and 292. I think I already mentioned it in my video from the 9th of March. And yes, that's the Easter surprise gift I mentioned there as well :)



  1. Very nice Uta - great job replicating the leaves coasters. :)

  2. Lindas folhas!
    Lembram-me o outono!!!
    Tudo de bom!

  3. I love them so much! It was such an nice surprise. Thank you very very much my dear Uta! I use them every day for my evening tea :-) They are just beautyful!

  4. Love them, Uta! Not only are they useful, but very cute too :-)


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