August 19, 2015

Look what I bought & Update on the Crochet Backpack

Hey ladies and gentlemen,

let me start with a quick update on my Crochet Backpack.

You can find some basic information about this project right HERE.
And the first update where I showed you the bottom part can be found HERE.

It was quite hot here in Kassel the past few days so I didn't really feel like crocheting a lot. But I managed to add a couple of rounds to the side of the backpack-to-be so I'm now at row 15. Weight is now 73g, height is 14cm. I originally planned the side of the backpack to be 30 rows but with 14cm at 15 rows I think I will add a few more, let's see.

So here's how it looks at the moment:

And as the title of my blog post already implies, I did a bit of shopping lately. So here are a few crafty thingies I bought:

two books bought at tkmaxx

washi tape bought at my favorite drugstore DM
I'm extremely in love with the two thin ones :)

These IKEA finds might not look that crafty at first glance
but let me assure you, I had some crafty projects in mind
when buying these :)

Have a great week everyone!


1 comment:

  1. i can't wait to see what you make with your ikea finds!
    the wasabi tape is cool. people are so crafty with it - I wish I was too!
    Trish - tales from trish


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