August 26, 2015

Making use of my IKEA finds

Hey all,

first things first: I didn't make that much progress working on my Crochet Backpack lately. Mostly because I was busy doing other things like cleaning my condo, spending the weekend at my parents' house and reading a nice book. So no update on this one today.

So today is more about my IKEA finds from last week. I finally made use of a few of them, let me show you...

IKEA currently offers those cute and simple metal tins called HEMSMAK. They are part of a limited edition and their are available either in silver or gold. I bought three of the silver 1l version and used them to declutter my tea rack. I sort of love tea (addiction?!) so I've got quite a lot of tea. And I prefer loose leafs over tea bags.

The label is self-made - printed on brown paper, glued on a simple white sheet of paper and a piece of clear wrapping tape on top. I choose to put it onto the tin using photo corners. This way, the labels can be change pretty easily.

And that's it already for today.

See you all again next week!!


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