August 9, 2017

NES Controller Pillow

Hey everyone,

every now and then I let my inner Nintendo nerd lead the way when it comes to pick new crafting projects. And that's when things like this happen :)

An NES Controller inspired pillow case made off crafting felt (a gift btw, I did not keep it):

It was quite a challenge to figure out the sizes of the different shapes. Luckily I am not that bad when it comes to math.

See you next week!



  1. Wow! Great work. Unfortunately I'm not that good with mathematics. How did you cut these shapes so neatly? And did you tap them or sew them?

    1. Thank you!!
      Vliesofix :) So basically most of the pillow is glued and ironed together, just the basic grey pillowcase is sewed.


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