September 20, 2017

When tonsils and sinuses team up...

Hello everyone,

I don't really have a DIY project to share with you today. So I thought I should share my excuse for that instead :)

Herbal Tea from TeeGschwendner

Some of you might remember that last year at the beginning of December I got knocked out by a pretty bad tonsillitis which sort of ruined all of my Christmas crafting plannes. Well, the tonsillitis came about a week ago. Not as bad as last year, but this time it brought along a friend called sinus infection. Even one of those two without the other can be annoying but as a team they are pretty nasty, I tell you.

A new crochet project - counting rows...

So for about ten days I've been taking Roxi 150 antibiotics every morning and every evening plus Sinupret drops (don't ask, I just can't handle pills) three times per day. My throat started to get better pretty soon but my sinuses had a party for over a week. I am still amazed by the amount of snot they can produce on a single day....well, sorry, too much information, I guess.

When you're moving in about two to three weeks but already
sold almost all of your furniture :) I call it indoor glamping!

Okaaaay, so what did I do during all that time? Well, not that much. I wasn't allowed to do anything exhausting by doctor's order. And when you're as sick as I was, pretty much everything is exhausting - even the few steps to the mailbox and back can feel like a 5k.
So I mostly stuck to activities that can be indulged in while sitting or even lying. I started a crochet Christmas present for a friend, I spent a lot of time online searching for inspiration for my new apartment's interior, I sold some of my old furniture via ebay ads and I drank a lot of tea. Oh, and I also binge watched Harry Potter and Downton Abbey which allows me to successfully tick off one point from my Autumn Bucket List :)

Alright my friends, I hope to be back with some crafty content soon.


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