March 24, 2013

A short summary...

Good afternoon, everyone!

Sorry for being MIA for quite a while. I spent a couple of days with my cousin and her gorgeous anipals and therefore didn't have time to blog or even to craft. So here's just a quick summary of what was going on in my life during the last two weeks...

A week ago I traveled northbound to visit my cousin. We spent a lot of time outdoors walking the camels.

From left to right: Krümel, Daniela and Dolly

Back home I went through some old crafting things and found some potholders I made about 20 years ago in elementary school. I'm thinking about crocheting some new ones in a slightly different pattern.

Yesterday evening I celebrated Earth Hour and switched of the lights in my apartment from 8:30 pm until 9:30 pm. I spent this hour hooking by candlelight, a wonderful experience :)

And this morning I went out for breakfast together with my parents. My mom brought me one of her favorite magazines (Landlust) and I discovered some fun decoration stuff for bicycles in it.

Oh and I finally finished joining all the squares of my Rainbow Granny Blanket :) Now I'm working on the edging.

I hope you are all enjoying the first days of Spring!!!



  1. I've never seen anyone walking camels before - pretty cool. Love the potholders. :)

  2. Liebe Uta, häkelst du mir einen Fahrradsattelbezug???? Da würde ich mich sooooooooo sehr freuen!!! Deine Kristin


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