October 26, 2016

Owls for my Christmas Tree [+ Tutorial]

Hello everyone,

I finally started working on the ornaments for this year's Christmas Tree! Last year I went all Harry Potter and I loved it :) This year, I don't really have a theme. Nevertheless, I want to make a few ornaments myself. And these are the first DIY ornaments - owls!

It all started over at Pinterest where a lot of DIYs actually start. I came across this pin right HERE.

I tried to copy those but truth to be told, the result was a huge fail. But I wasn't willing to give up the whole idea so I did some sort of an interpretation using wooden balls from IKEA instead of fir cones. Et voilà, it worked!

Let me give you a quick run-down...

Materials needed:
  • VINTER 2016 decoration balls from IKEA (currently available HERE)
  • Thin felt in grey, light blue, white and yellow
  • Fabric glue & hot glue
  • Brown chenille
  • Eyes
  • scissors and a pen

And you might also need those three shapes. The biggest one should have an overall height of 6cm.

  1. For each owl, cut out two large wings, two small wings and one shape for the head plus a tiny yellow triangle for the beak.
  2. Afterwards, glue one small wing on a large wing making two two-layered wings per owl using fabric glue. Mix and match the colors of the felt you are using.
  3. Glue a little yellow beak plus two eyes on the shape for the head using fabric glue.
  4. Using plies and a wire cutter, put together two feet per owl using the brown chenille.
  5. Glue two wings, one head shape and two feet onto one decoration ball using hot glue.
What will you hang on your Christmas tree this year? Self-made ornaments or store bought ones?

Happy crafting, everyone!


1 comment:

  1. They're really cute. I love the idea to use these balls from IKEA. I haven't seen them until your post but they're perfect for your project. Can't wait to see what's next


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