August 15, 2014

A Not So Perfect Farewell Present

Hello lovely Ladies,
finally I'm back again! I've been on holidays recently, but about that you'll read in another post. Today I want to share with you a farewell present for a colleague of mine. She is moving to Canada (the lucky ones) and yesterday we held a farewell party for her. She loves my cakes, so it was obvious that I would make a farewell chocolate bomb for her. The problem was: I've got a really bad cold for two weeks now! Two weeks! So I'm pretty exhausted and it's not so easy to concentrate with a constant headache - as you can see in the picture :-) Luckily I recognised the mixed up letters in time and was able to correct my "cold mistake" ;-) I haven't had the time to take a photo of the final and correct result. But I think you can easily imagine how it looked like with the "c" and the "k" in correct order.
I'm sorry but I can't share the recipe for the delicious cake with you, because it's an old and top secret family recipe. But what I can share is the idea of the straws with the bunting. I bought the pink straws with the white hearts in a shop around the corner and got the letters for the bunting over here in yellowblissroad .
I like the idea of the straw-bunting and my colleague liked it, too :-) Mission accomplished - even with a cold.
So happy weekend y'all!


  1. The cake looks delicious - and the bunting is very cute. :)

  2. Por vezes acontece...mas o que importa é o momento!!!

  3. Oh, that cake looks so yummy!!!
    And I really love the bunting decoration! Good job, Kristin :)


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