March 25, 2012

My Inspiration

My mum is my inspiration. She is the one that taught me how to crochet and how much fun it is to craft. Without her I wouldn't have discouverd these great hobbies. I consider her one of the most crafty people I ever met and I am very proud to be her daughter. Let me share some of her creations with you!

She crocheted this wonderful dress two years ago:

My mum made this pin cushion many many years ago, isn't it cute? The edging is handmade and she also embroidered it herself:

I hope you all had a sunny weekend :)

- Uta -


  1. I feel similarly about my Mum who is very crafty and has taught me loads! I love the little crochet dress. Your Mum is very clever. Maggie xx

    1. Thank you, Maggie :) Yes, the little dress is also one of my favourites. And is was great watching her crocheting it. You could see how much fun she had :)
      - Uta


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