November 16, 2014

Cushion Cover

Hello Ladies,

I'm currently facing an extremely rainy Sunday what makes the weather occur even colder than it actually is. Not that nice but a good excuse to spend the whole day on the couch with lots of tea, a bunch of magazines, a good book and something to hook :)

Apart from that, I've got something to share with you today, another crochet creation. This time it's a cushion cover I made for my friend Kristin.
The yarn is Schachenmayr Catania which is 100% cotton. I hooked it with a 4mm hook. All five buttons are made of maplewood. And the final result will fit a 40 x 40 cm cushion.

So how has your weekend been so far?



  1. Beautiful cushion cover....lucky Kristin! I think the weather you had yesterday has now moved across to the UK as it wet and cold here this morning! X


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