November 14, 2014

Tea and Cookies

Hello Ladies,

November is a strange time. It's sort of in-between Fall and Christmas season not really belonging to either of the two. But nevertheless, Christmas is not too far away. While walking through the streets downtown this morning, I realized they are already setting up the Christmas Market. Now that's definitely a sign, Christmas is approaching with great strides. So why not getting into the mood by baking some cookies and having a nice tea :)

So far, I baked three kinds of cookies.

And while having a cup of tea yesterday, I thought why not hooking a really simple Christmas-themed mug cozy.

So did you start to prepare for Christmas yet? Any cookie baking? Decorating? Crafting?

Have a cozy Friday, everyone, it's time to ring in the weekend!


1 comment:

  1. I'm not much of a baker, but I might make some cookies - I don't know yet. I love the mug cover. :)


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